Chiropractic care focused on you.

Looking for a health professional who actually listens? That’s us.

Dr. Hayden Mackenzie

Founder and Director


Hayden is the Chiropractor and Director of Cervus Allied Health. A Moonee Valley Native and St Bernard’s College graduate, he brings over a decade of clinical experience which spans private practice, onsite workplace injury management and public health working as an epidemiologist for the Vic Dept of Health.


Hayden has a Bachelor of Health Science and Master of Clinical Chiropractic from RMIT, and studied a Master of Epidemiology at the University of Melbourne. Since graduating, he has completed hundreds of hours of post-graduate education with a focus on neurological and orthopaedic rehabilitation. He brings a deep understanding of healthcare research, substantial clinical experience and passion for evidence-based healthcare to every patient he treats.

Clinical Interests

While our primary focus is on spinal disorders (low back pain, neck pain, disc injuries, sciatica etc) and headache-related disorders (including migraines), Hayden also has a vast amount of experience working with common sports- and work-related injuries such as tennis elbow, rotator cuff syndrome and tendon injuries.


Hayden believes in having a wide range of tools in his arsenal and is proficient in a wide range of evidence-based treatment techniques. These include spinal and extremity joint manipulation, soft tissue techniques (Active Release, Graston/Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation), rehabilitative exercises, dry needling, electroacupuncture, myofascial cupping, and taping.

Flexion-Distraction Therapy for Disc Injuries

We are one of the few clinics in Victoria to have a Hill Labs Flexion-Distraction treatment table. This table is an engineering marvel and is specifically designed for treating injuries to spinal discs by allowing us to mobilise the injured area in a gentle and safe manner.

Flexion-distraction is a well-researched conservative (non-surgical) treatment option for people suffering acute or chronic pain due to damaged spinal discs, and is usually used in conjunction with other therapies during the visit to promote faster pain reduction and improvements in pain-free movement.

Qualifications and Education

  • Bachelor of Applied Science - Chiropractic (RMIT)

  • Master of Clinical Chiropractic (RMIT)

  • Master of Epidemiology (University of Melbourne)

  • Clinical Neuroscience (Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies)

  • Functional Neurological and Orthopedic Rehabilitation

  • Basic and Advanced Musculoskeletal Dry Needling (FIT Institute)

  • Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilisation (FIT Institute)

  • International Federation of Sports Chiropractic Upper Limb

  • International Federation of Sports Chiropractic Lower Limb

  • Mental Health First Aid

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